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1) Do you offer tutoring?

Yes, I offer private tutoring if that is what you desire.


2) Can you really teach my child to program?

With the right teacher, anyone can learn how to program. I do not teach graphical programs like Scratch; I teach the real thing, as used by industry professionals.


3) Do you offer regular classes?

I teach standard classes at Berkeley Independent Study so I am well acquainted with the general mathematical curriculum. I can guide students through this curriculum through a variety of means.


4) What's the difference between PersonAligned Learning and Berkeley Independent Study?

I adhere to state standards at Berkeley Independent Study. With PersonAligned learning, I go way beyond the standard curriculum. With PersonAligned Learning, there are no limitations. 


5) Can you travel to San Francisco? San Jose?

I am based in the East Bay, and I prefer to avoid clogged freeways.


6) Would your classes work for summer enrichment?

Yes! I originally designed them with summer enrichment opportunities in mind.


7) Are you a good fit for homeschool kids?

Definitely. I love teaching in the Home & Hospital Instruction Program for BUSD because the classes are more personalized. I have taught junior high homeschool families at Berkeley Independent Study for the last thirteen years.


8) My child is in elementary school. Can you work with him/her?

The classes that I offer are currently aimed at the junior high and high school level. If your child is advanced, and you think I would be a good fit, please contact me.


9) Where would the classes be held?

Outside of school, I usually teach in public libraries, cafes or student homes. 


10) Is there homework?

That's up to you. I can design classes either way.


11) What more can you tell me?

The difference between what I am offering and most programs is that 100% of my energy goes toward your child. It's not split with anyone else. By providing undivided attention and regular consultation, the possibilities are limitless. 


12) What if I'm still unsure?

I am happy to email, talk on the phone, or meet in person to provide further information and clarification. I'm excited to make new connections and build new foundations.




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